Certified Naturally Grown Produce, all year round!
Our Produce
Vegetables & Fruits Preserves/Seasonings Fibers​
Vegetables & Fruits
Chemical-free produce, fresh from our farm to you. All of our produce is grown without the use of synthetic chemicals and meets or exceeds Certified Naturally Grown/USDA Organic standards. Crops are grown by us, on our farm and harvested at peak freshness. We grow everything from Asparagus to Zucchini and sell them through our CSA (June-Oct) and through our year round VegEmail program. The pictures speak for themselves!
All our preserves are made by us from chemical-free produce grown on our farm (plus a "bit" of pure cane sugar). Throughout the warm weather months, we harvest and preserve many of the delicious fruits, peppers, herbs and flowers that we cultivate or wild-harvest on our family's land. We also make herb seasonings with a combination of sea salt, pepper or raw cane sugar and herbs from our gardens. ​
Mail Order service is available for our jams and seasonings. E-mail us for details. ​
Jill dyes and spins a variety of yarns with fibers sourced from our own alpacas, from shepherds around the state of Iowa and from commercial wools produced across the US. She also hand paints mill-spun yarns and rovings for all your knitting, crocheting, spinning, felting and weaving needs. Custom spinning and dyeing is available at some times during the year, please contact us with questions. We also create eco-printed fabrics and silk scarves with designs sourced from sustainably harvested materials around the farm.
Mail Order is available for fiber products. Email us for details.